Fire Co. needs funding for air pack filling equipment
Washington Township supervisors received a letter from Star Hose Fire Company, Emerald. Chief Keith Kibler said the company is in a predicament because it cannot fill high-pressure air packs. It intends to switch to all high pressure in the future.
The company depends on help from neighboring companies to keep them full. It costs $40,000 for a filling station.Kibler asked if the company can use money in its truck fund for that purpose. Secretary JoAnn Ahner said it depends how the agreement is written. If it is specifically for purchase of a truck it would be up to the supervisors to decide if they wanted to give the company permission.However Ahner thought it might include capital purchases and there would be no problem. There is $21,200 in the truck fund and the municipality gives the company $15,000 each year toward the fund. She said it could be turned over early in 2011 which would provide a total of $36,200.Kibler said he does not foresee needing a truck in the near future.Ahner will check with the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors for guidance as to whether a non-vehicle item can be purchased with the fund money."It's for the safety of the firemen and community," concluded Kibler's letter.Two subdivisons were approved. Zoning officer Justin Yaich said neither of them had any outstanding problems.One was for the Lewis Estate, a minor subdivision at 6672 Lime Kiln Road in the rural district. The second is for Gary Miller, a lot line change on the west side of Grove Street in the residential district. Miller will have to meet the engineer's comments including an easement for a sewer line.A letter received from the Slatington Library said the state reduced its subsidy by 20 percent. Washington previously provided $5,000 but cut that amount to $2,500 last year. The library hopes the amount will be returned to $5,000 to help make up the 20 percent missing from the state allocation.Ahner said the contribution is made when a financial statement is received so there is time to decide.The 2011 budget was adopted with a .2 mill tax increase.Buckno Lisicky and Company will do the audit with cost not to exceed $8,500. Ahner said the bookkeeping is now on QuickBooks that should make the audit easier and less expensive.Haafsville Animal Service submitted a list of fees for various animal control issues. Supervisors decided to wait until they hear from Peaceable Kingdom which gave satisfactory service last year.They voted to continue participation in a Universal Construction Code joint appeals board. Heidelberg and Lynn townships are part of the same board.Resident Ed Zeigler questioned some checks. He wanted to know what the one to Certified Laboratories covered - it is for fluids for the trucks. A second one with an amount of $0 is probably a voided check. Ahner will look at her records.Ziegler commented that insurance is getting out of hand, especially the dental.