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Police departments gear up for holiday seat belt enforcement

POTTSVILLE - Minersville, McAdoo, Tower City, West Mahanoy, Blythe, Schuylkill and Kline Township Police Departments are few of approximately 200 new law enforcement agencies that will be joining Buckle Up Pennsylvania for the holiday Click It or Ticket initiative.

This brings the total number of Pennsylvania departments to around 650, an all-time high.Any unbuckled driver stopped and cited for a primary offense will receive a second seat belt citation for not buckling up.This high-visibility enforcement, along with education and public awareness activities, will be utilized throughout the upcoming Click It or Ticket mobilization, which runs from Nov. 19-Dec. 3.The seat belt mobilization is also part of Operation Safe Holiday, a comprehensive traffic safety initiative that targets aggressive drivers, impaired drivers and unbuckled travelers during the busy holiday season.Operation Safe Holiday runs from Nov. 1 to Jan. 1, 2011.Buckle Up Pennsylvania was formed in 2000 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and PennDOT to aid state and local police in seat belt enforcement and education initiatives.Since 2000, Pennsylvania's seat belt rate increased from 69 percent to an unprecedented 87.9 percent.For more information about Buckle Up Pennsylvania and Click It or Ticket, visit the website at
