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Tamaqua news

Rush-Ryan seniors

The Rush, Ryan and Delano Senior Citizens Inc. met Nov. 9 at the Ryan Township Fire Company, Barnesville, with 35 members in attendance. Treasurer Shirley Becker conducted the business meeting. Chaplain Kathleen Valentine offered an invocation.Reports were presented by Becker and secretary Florina Martin. Birthday wishes were extended to Lloyd Schmerfeld, Jean Machamer, Muriel Wehr, Jane Springer and Mildred KarmonskiBecker, Martin and Machamer provided inspirational readings. The annual Christmas party will be held Dec. 14, catered by Christy Joy.The group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join.SWFCTamaqua's South Ward Fire Company holds a truck night session every Thursday, keeping up to date on fire fighting techniques and standards, while conducting maintenance on the vehicles.At recent truck night events, members discussed an upcoming turkey bingo, scheduled for Nov. 20, in the fire company headquarters. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., while the kitchen will open at 6 p.m.The public is welcome to attend. The fire company is located on Van Gelder Street.Writers' workshopThe Black Diamond Writers' network will sponsor a workshop on writing mystery novels featuring Josh Berk, award winning writer of "The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin." The workshop will be held from 1-3 p.m., Nov. 20 at the Tamaqua Public Library, following the monthly meeting of the BDWN.The workshop will include exercises on plot, setting, character, dialogue, description and more. Participants will be able to brainstorm outlines for detective stories during the hands on writing practice.For more information call Kathy at (570) 645-3059.South Ward neighborsThe South Ward Neighborhood Committee will meet this Thursday, at 7 p.m., at the Morgan Center of Lehigh Carbon Community College on High Street.The change in meeting place is due to construction activities at the South Ward Playground, which will be undergoing a total renovation.The public is welcome to attend and learn more about the organization and its activities.Zion budgetA series of small group meetings will be held to discuss the proposed 2011 budget for Zion Evangelical Congregational Church.The church council approved the budget on Nov. 9 and is holding the small group meetings to provide congregants with the opportunity to learn more about the budget before it is presented for adoption at the Dec. 12 congregational meeting.Meetings will be held Nov. 21, Nov. 28 and Dec. 5, following the morning worship services, as well as at 2 p.m. on Nov. 24 and 7 p.m. on Dec. 2. Pre-registration is required and may be made by calling (570) 668-2180 or by using the sign up sheet that will be available on Sunday mornings. Meetings will be cancelled if no one registers.There will not be a budget discussion during the congregational meeting. That meeting will focus on the election of church council members, the direction of the congregation and adoption of the budget.