Weissport adopts 2011 budget without asking for tax increase
Weissport Council formally adopted the 2011 budget Monday night with no tax increase and little discussion or comments - much different from last year's budget adoption meeting when former Mayor Tina Hagenbuch voted against the budget because she said it failed to provide funding for police department training and then would not sign Weissport 's tax ordinances.
The millage remains at 8.9 mills, which is the same as the millage for the past two years.Council anticipates receipts of $141,370.33 in 2011.Allocated for police is: police department wages, $13,200; police department office supplies, $200; police department Pa. Crimes Code books, $250; police department fuel, $1,500; police department uniforms, $100; police department miscellaneous expenses, $100; police department vehicle repairs/maintenance, $1,000; police department equipment, $200; police department calibration services, $80; police department car washes, $125; police department telephone, $130; police department radio equipment maintenance, $1,000; Jnet services, $1,270; police department auto insurance, $1,537; police department workers' compensation insurance, $1,229; and EMS Telecommunications Services (911) $1,062.Council salaries $2,600, council dues and membership, $150; mayor's salary, $720; and mayor dues and memberships, $50. Auditing services $1,800; tax collector commission is $3,300 and earning income tax commission is $450; tax collector supplies and postage, $150; legal fees, $5,000; secretary salary, $4,800; secretary office supplies, $600; secretary computer software, $400; advertising, printing, $750; secretary bond, $150; engineering services, $1,000; oil/heat, $2,000; telephone, $110; electricity, $1,600; propane, $200; water, $300; Internet access, $480; miscellaneous, $100; pest control, $636; fire hydrant rental, $3,132; fire relief fund, $2,150; solid waste clerk, $100; solid waste court filing fees, $500; solid waste, $34,752; borough worker wages, $10,000; fuel, $1,500; borough worker supplies, $1,200; highway expenses, $1,000; vehicle/equipment/tools/building repairs and maintenance, $4,400; street lights, $10,500; contribution to canal commission, $150; veterans, $100; regional comprehensive plan, $1,200; operating supplies park, $100; parks electricity, $659; weed control, $1,200; K-9 contribution, $65; FICA, $2,164; Medicare, $502; unemployment compensation, $25; liability insurance, $6,815; workers' compensation, $532; liquid fuels expenses, $8,295.The borough also adopted the taxing ordinances. In 2011, there will be a $10 per capita tax, and $52 local service tax; plus one percent earned income and one percent real estate transfer tax.Garbage collection costs will remain the same. Individual homes, $185.60; small businesses, $220.25; and large businesses and tap rooms, $349.40.Council anticipates selling the six foot finish mower and purchasing a used dump truck for snow plowing.Council also noted that the playground is complete. The only details left to do is to install the sign and have an inspection performed. The formal dedication program will be held in the spring.