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Sheriff brigade meeting scheduled

The Carbon County Constitutionalists are holding their inaugural sheriff brigade meeting at the Jim Thorpe Memorial Hall on Saturday Nov. 20, at 11a.m.

The group will be announcing their first candidate for sheriff and are also seeking out potential candidates who would like the brigade's endorsement and support. Knowledge of the constitution and the executive nature of the office are required. The November 20th meeting is an extension of a meeting that took place at Penn State on October 7, in which concerned citizens met with current sheriffs throughout the state of Pennsylvania to hash out a plan to win back our country. The event is free and open to the public and is also open to all peace officers, public officials and members of the military who take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. An open discussion of the problems we face as a county will be encouraged and information about our constitution that all citizens should know will be presented.