Published November 12. 2010 05:01PM
Women of the ELCA
The Women of the ELCA of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lehighton, will be celebrating their 125th year as a women's missionary society. Thy started as the Fred J. McCready Missionary Society in 1885.The names have changed over the years to Mission Society, Lutheran Church Women, and the present, Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.Although the name has changed the purpose has remained the same: to grow in faith, to engage in ministry and action, and to promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.Part of the celebration included the ELCA's meeting Thursday, where the Rev. Robert vonFrisch lead a Bible study on "Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner" based on the parable of Jesus from Luke: 14, "The Great Feast."On Sunday, Nov. 14, the women will celebrate their annual "Thankoffering Service" at both the 8:30 a.m. service and the 10:45 a.m. service. The special guest speaker will be the Rev. Phyllis Hammel, a 1955 graduate of Lehighton High School.