IU and LCCC agree to placement program; other action taken
An agreement was entered by the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 School Board with Lehigh Carbon Community College to allow graduates of the Schuylkill Technology Center, who are interested in pursuing post secondary education, to receive advanced placement, in action taken at the monthly meeting held Monday at the Maple Avenue Campus in Mar-Lin, Norwegian Township.
Advanced placements can be made in the field of electromechanical technology, machine trades technology, computer aided drafting and design technology, electronics technology and carpentry technology.Other actionNew hirings made by the board were: Charles Felty Sr., Tamaqua, as a substitute bus aide on as needed basis; Lavina Brobst, Pottsville, substitute cafeteria worker; Rochelle Angelo, Minersville, mentor teacher for a student; Mark Major, Pottsville, full-time librarian at the Maple Avenue Campus; Sarah Helman, Phoenix Park; Trisha Fetterhoff Muir and Lisa Miller, Tower City, as part -time teacher aides; Justin McClure, part-time music teacher at Maple Avenue Campus.Also, Edward Melnick and Diane Sylvester, custodians at the South Campus of Schuylkill Technology Center; Debra Mitchell Miller, Nondiscrimination in Employment Contract Practices Compliance Officer; Daniel Drobnick, Orwigsburg, part-time evening welding instructor; Samuel Ulrich, transfer from full-time secretary to full time second shift custodian at South Campus of Schuylkill Technical Center; Kurt Lynch and Cynthia Stasulli, as supervisors for the pre-apprenticeship initiative; Fred Cicero, as co-advisor for Skills USA; Lynn Dimmick, Ashland, short term substitute speech and language therapist for student and Tiffany Esterline, Muir, part-time teacher aide at Williams Valley Junior and Senior High School.School calendarThe board adoprted the school calendar for the 2011-2012 school year.Aug. 17 and 18, 2011, Inservice Day for new and first year teachers only; Aug. 22 and 23, 2011, Inservice Day, teachers only; Aug. 24 and 25, 2011, Inservice Day, teaches only.Monday, Aug. 29, 2011, first day of school; Monday, Sept. 5, 2011, Labor Day, school closed and school reopens Tuesday, Sept. 6; Monday, Oct. 10, 2011, school closed for Inservice Day, teachers only and school reopens Tuesday, Oct. 11; Nov. 24, 25 and 28, 2011, school closed for Thanksgiving Day Recess and school reopens Tuesday, Nov. 29.Also, Dec. 26, 2011, through Jan. 2, 2012, school closed for Christimas Holidays and reopens Tuesday, Jan. 3; Jan. 16, school closed for Inservice Day, teachers only and school reopens Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012; Jan. 17, 2012, marks the 90th day of school year.Monday, Feb. 20, 2012, school closed for Presidents Day and reopens Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012; April 6, 2012, school closed for Good Friday; April 5, 9, 10 and 11, 2012. Easter Recess and will be snow make-up days and school reopens Thursday, April 12; May 28, school closed for Memorial Day and school reopens, Tuesday, May 29.Thursday, May 31, 2012, will be the last day of school for students; Friday, June 1, 2012, Inservice Day for teachers only and Monday, June 4, Inservice Day for new and first year teachers only.Christmas holday actually will begin at close of the day on Friday, Dec. 23, 2011. The weather emergency make-up days scheduled will be, first day, Wednesday, April 11, 2012; second day, Tuesday, April 10, 2012; third day, Thursday, April 5, 2012, and fourth day, Monday, April 9, 2012.Title One budgetThe board adopted the 2010-2011 Title I Non-Public Program budget at $103,993.57, including $93,687.90 for contract professional services to non-public school students and $10,305.67 for Several resignations were reported to the board.Charles J. Mannello, CPA, business manager; Michael McCormick, part-time teacher aide at Schuylkill Haven Area Elementary School; Gale Bowman and Lisa Miller part-time teacher aides at Williams Valley Junior/ Senior High School.The board is accepting applications for an Educational Services Department Special Programs Assistant.Two one-on-one service contracts were entered with Tamaqua Area School District, one for $27,736.46, and the second for $6,962.53The board accepted the proposal of Victor E. Muncy to complete the replacement windows project at the South Campus at a cost of $33,200.The board acknowledged receipt of grants, from OMNOVA, $1,500 to provide support for the purchase of industrial training equipment for the Electro-Mechanical Program and $2,000 reserved for a scholarship for one adult student in the Electro Mechanical Technology Certification Program and a grant of $5,437 from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for solar energy and residential electricity project.Approved a rental agreement contract with Stephe Mazur to provide equipment for the heavy equipment classes as needed at a cost of $19,100 for a five-week class.ContractnegotiationsMelanie L. Wagner, chief negotiator for the IU29 Education Association, which represents the teachers of the intermediate unit, appeared before the board claiming the board's negotiating team failed to appear at a scheduled session last Oct. 21. Board President William R. Davidson claimed there was never a meeting set. Dr. Diane Niederroter, executive director of the IU, said the board is still waiting to hear a response made for a new contract which was given to the union in August. No date has been set for resumption of negotiations.