East Penn hears accusations of police irregularities
East Penn supervisor Randy Pfeiffer said he had something to bring up as supervisor chair Herb Truhe prepared to adjourn the Monday East Penn Township supervisors' meeting.
Pfeiffer said the time sheets at the township and the log with the communications center do not match. Police have to check in at the com center when they go on duty.He was using only records from 2009 but expected 2010 would have been the same if he had checked. Occasionally the log time exceeded the time sheets but many more went the other way.Truhe, the police administrator and a former policeman, said it could all be explained such as the time a policeman was on the time sheet because he was working on police cars but was not logged in.Pfeiffer questioned a time sheet time of midnight to 7 a.m. and asked why 16-hour shifts were listed."Unless they are going for training or to court a time sheet should not be needed because the log is a record," said Pfeiffer.He said he has contacted the attorney general and auditor general.Supervisor Jake Nothstein asked if Pfeiffer thought it should be looked into and Pfeiffer said it should.He made motions to remove the position of police administrator and to begin an investigation. Both died for lack of a second.The cost for the police in 2009 was $200,000 or one-fifth of the budget. Meanwhile the roads need work, said Pfeiffer.Supervisor Dean Kercsmar said roads do not save a child's life. He sees funding the police as more important.There were 31 incidents last month including assists, lost animals and record checks. Pfeiffer said the township could go back to being dependent on the state police.Although Pfeiffer had the floor, Truhe continued to interrupt. He repeated several times that any discrepancies can be explained.Secretary Deanna Cunfer was asked to make copies of time sheets for all the supervisors. She said she knew exactly where they were and did not want them moved.In public comment Pete Nowlan asked supervisors to change the meeting time back to 7 p.m. with the January reorganization. That way more residents could attend meetings.Joe Ehritz seconded the time change but said even a little later may help people attend. He said during budget workshops, selling the social hall should be considered and a capital fund should be set up for the East Penn Township Fire Company so there is money available when they need new equipment.The Nov. 4 budget meeting has been cancelled with the next one scheduled for Nov. 11. The November planning commission meeting has been cancelled because there is nothing on the agenda.Paper work for a tax anticipation loan to be taken out in 2011 is going ahead.The office will be closed Nov. 25, 26 and 29 and Dec. 23, 24 and 31 for holidays.The township will advertise for an accounting firm to do the audit.