Published October 28. 2010 05:02PM
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) will conduct Individual BenefitsCheckUps at the Carbon County Agency of Aging Panther Valley Senior Nutrition Center, located in the School House Apartments, 90 E. Catawissa Street, at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10. This checkup is available free of charge to anyone 55 years or older, or 18 years and older and on disability. The checkup, sponsored by the National Council on Aging, is free and confidential. The goal of the checkup is to help people learn if they are potentially eligible for state, county and federal benefits of which they are unaware.
All those people who are interested in learning about BenefitsCheckUp are invited to an informational talk regarding the BenefitsCheckUps Program at 11:15 a.m. Nov. 4 at the Center. Those wishing to have an individual checkup can sign up for a Nov. 10 appointment at that time. People who cannot come to the Center on any of the above mentioned dates may call the RSVP Office at (610) 377-2021 or email for more information or to schedule an appointment at another time. A Pre-Visit questionnaire must be completed and brought to the scheduled checkup on Nov. 10 so that the checkup can be completed that day.Any groups, agencies, clubs or any other gathering who would like to have someone come to give a talk regarding BenefitsCheckUps, should contact the above information.RSVP is a member of the PA Senior Corps and is sponsored by Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries.