Published October 28. 2010 05:02PM
Polk Twp. Historical Society Meeting
The Polk Township Historical Society will meet on Monday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Polk Township municipal building in Kresgeville. The evening's guest speaker will be William Dorshimer. Mr. Dorshimer served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He will share memories of his experiences as a member of the liberation forces in the European Theater. A short business meeting will follow the special presentation. Everyone is welcome to attend. For additional information, please call Pat at 610-681-8984.PTO MeetingPolk's PTO meeting will be Thursday, Oct .28 at 4 p.m. All are welcome to attend.Family Fun NightPVE will be having its annual pumpkin carving family fun night on Thursday, Oct. 28 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the school's cafeteria.PVEN Food OffreringA PVEN food offering is held every first Sunday at Salem St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Your donation of food items helps feed the hungry in the West End.Please bring boxes or cans of food any time and place them in the barrel by the church office. (SSP sets aside the first Sunday to help them remember.) The SSP PVEN volunteers take the food on Tuesdays.If you need food, clothing or rental assistance, call the director of PVEN, Eloise Laubach, at 570-992-3136.PVEN also needs good used towels, sheets and blankets (all sizes).Take to the site on Fridays from 9-11:30 a.m. or bring to SSP's church and their volunteers will take items early Tuesday mornings.PVEN needs school clothes ("uniforms"), junior size clothes and crib sheets. New sneakers, socks and undies (all sizes) are always needed.