Published October 26. 2010 05:00PM
Hundreds of anxious onlookers filled the street of New Philadelphia on Sunday to watch the borough's 16th annual Halloween Parade. The parade is organized yearly by the New Philadelphia Community Organization (NPCO). Costumes and floats varied from scarecrows, zombies,fairies and even clouds.A numberof bands also took part in the parade, to include the Pottsville AreaHigh School Band and The Shoreliners. All marchers and floats were judged for three places in eight categories. This year's judges were MaryAnn Kane, Terry Mansell and AnnMarie Keyes. New Philadelphia Mayor and NPCO President Francis "Frani" Tkach pointed outthat thisyear's community participationin theparade appearedmuch better than in past years. In addition to volunteers from the New Philadelphia and Tamaqua Fire Police, Tkach gave credit for this year's success toall thecommunity volunteers and sponsors. Awakening from the dead is Rylen Matlock, 5, as herides pastparadespectators while zombies Jan Zaprazny and Jan Stutts ride their decorated 1928 Seagrave fire truck.