Published October 15. 2010 05:00PM
The Schuylkill County Salary Board met following the commissioners meeting Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville to act on salaries of two employees.
The vote taken at the Oct. 6 salary board work session with regards to fiscal technician supervisor Denise Pozza, of Branch Township, increasing her hours of work from 30 hours per week to 37.5 hours effective Oct. 11 was approved and the salary of Janet Dagon, Pottsville, hired at the commissioners meeting as a fulltime assistant director of nursing at Rest Haven Home, was set at $51,825 per year.A controversy developed between Controller Melinda Kantner and the commissioners over approval of the minutes of four salary board work sessions. Kantner claimed they were ratified at the time of the meeting but the commissioners requested a new vote.The vote on the work session held at Sweet Arrow Lake Park on Sept. 22 was, Mantura Gallagher, yes; Frank Staudenmeir, yes, Kantner, no, McAndrew was absent so he abstained. The vote on the work session on Aug. 18 was voted yes. The vote on the work session of Sept. 15 was Staudenmeier, McAndrew and Kantner voting yes. Gallagher abstained because she missed the meeting. Voting on the work session of Oct. 6 were the three commissioners voting yes while Kantner abstained on advise of her solicitor stating it was because the meeting was part of the mandamus action filed to court by the commissioners against her.