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Head-on crash claims 1 in Walker Twp.

A two-vehicle head-on collision on route 209 in Walker Township, just outside of Tamaqua, claimed the life of one of the drivers at mid-morning today.

The male driver of a white delivery truck was reportedly driving east on route 209 when for some reason, he swerved into the oncoming westbound lane, hitting a classic Dodge head-on.The driver of the truck suffered minor injuries and was treated on scene. The name of the driver of the classic Dodge car was unavailable, awaiting notification of the family.Emergency crews from Tamaqua Fire Department, New England Fire Company, Tuscarora Fire Company, Tamaqua Rescue Squad, Tamaqua Area Animal Rescue, Tamaqua Ambulance, and others responded to the accident scene.Two of three dogs pulled out of the classic Dodge car were rushed to the Companion Animal Hospital by Tamaqua Area Animal Rescue volunteer RN Bridget Hadesty of Tamaqua. Despite the efforts of veterinarians, one of the dogs, a white poodle, died from injuries. The other two dogs were injured, but are in stable and fair condition.

Andy Leibenguth/Times News The driver of this delivery truck suffered minor injuries and was treated on the scene of this morning's crash in Walker Township.