Thirteen sentenced on criminal charges
Thirteen people were sentenced by two Schuylkill County judges on criminal charges following hearings held in court in Pottsville.
Judge Charles M. Miller sentenced the following:Ryan Scott Winkler, 30, Schuylkill Haven, pleaded guilty to breaking into a garage on East Liberty Street in Schuylkill Haven and removing property and tampering with his vehicle which had been secured by police. He was sentenced to serve three to 23 months in the county prison plus an additional 23 months on probation to begin at the expiration of his first sentence. He also must pay a fine of $100 and pay $100 to the Criminal Justice Enhancement Account (CJEA).Michael David Schultz Jr., 28. Pottsville, pleaded guilty to possession of drug paraphernalia and was sentenced to serve six months on probation, pay $100 to Substance Abuse Education (SAE) fund and $50 to CJEA. He was cited by Patrolman Brian W. Kotzmoyer, Pottsville police.Lynne Gay Britton, 44, Mahanoy City, pleaded guilty to giving a false identification to Minersville police and was sentenced to serve 11 days to 12 months in the county prison, however, since she had already served the minimum time was released on parole for the balance of her sentence. Britton was also ordered to pay $50 to the CJEA. On a charge of driving while operating privileges were suspended she was fined $200; and for driving an unregistered vehicle fined $25 plus $100 in costs.Justine Sandra Myro, 20, Port Carbon, pleaded guilty to retail theft of items from Giant Supermarket, Pottsville, valued $12.68. She was sentenced to serve 12 months on probation, pay $50 to CJEA and perform 20 hours of community service. She was brought to court on a bench warrant which the judge dismissed after the sentence. Myro was cited by Patrolman James Englert, Pottsville police.Nadine Marie Mason, 27, Schuylkill Haven, pleaded guilty to two counts of simple assault on Pottsville police officers and was sentenced to serve six days to 12 months in the county prison, pay a fine of $100 and pay $50 to CJEA.Edward J. Polusky III, 21, Mahanoy City, pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal trespass on property at 235 W. Mahanoy Ave., Mahanoy City, and theft of copper pipes, was sentenced to serve 27 days to 23 months in the county prison and since he served his minimum was released on parole for the balance of his sentence. He must pay a $50 fee to CJEA.Robert Bruce Caudell III, 51, Pine Grove, who was found guilty by a jury on June 3 of stalking an aerobatics instructor in Friedensburg, Wayne Township, was sentenced to serve 16 to 32 months in a state correctional institution and pay $50 to CJEA. Caudell was cited by Trooper Thomas Robin.Brian A. Briksza, 28, Shenandoah, pleaded guilty to delivery of a controlled substance in Shenandoah in January 2009 and was sentenced to serve 11 1/2 to 23 months in the county prison, pay $100 to SAE fund and $50 to CJEA. Briksza was cited by the Schuylkill County Drug Task Force.William Albert Pytak, 25, Harrisburg, pleaded guilty to unauthorized use of a vehicle while the owner was on vacation, was sentenced to serve six to 17 months in the county prison and pay $50 to CJEA. On a charge of failling to have a valid driver's license was fined $200 plus $50 costs.Curtis Lee Kiester, 32, Matamore, Ind., pleaded gulty to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and was sentenced to serve 48 hours to six months in the county prison, however, since he had spent five days in prison was granted immediate parole, pay a fine of $500 and pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA, complete an alcohol highway safety school and undergo outpatient counseling and driver's license suspended 12 months. On a charge of driving while his operating privileges were suspended was fined $200 and failing to drive at a safe speed was fined $25 plus $100 in costs. Kiester was cited by Trooper John Carr when stopped on SR61 in North Manheim Township.Judge Jacquelyn Russell sentenced the following:Joseph Hauptly, Schuylkill Haven, was sentenced on a charge of delivery of a controlledl substance in Minersville to serve two to five years in a state correctional institution with the sentence to begin Aug. 6. He also must pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA and $375.50 to Bethlehem Regional Lab. Hauptly was cited by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force.Sonya Elizabeth Spicher, 40, Shenandoah, was sentenced on a charge of delivery of a controlled substance in Minersville to serve two to five years in a state correctional institution beginning Aug. 6. She also must pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA and $375 to Bethlehem Regional Lab. She was cited by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force.Norman David Coxe, 41, Hazleton, was sentenced on a charge of DUI to serve five days to 12 months in the county prison, beginning Aug. 2 at 9 a.m., pay a fine of $500, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA, perform 20 hours community service and his driver's license is suspended 12 months. Coxe was cited by Patrolman Jeremy Talanco, McAdoo police.Each defendant must pay court costs and a $50 per month supervision fee while on probation or parole.