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GFWC Western Pocono Women's Club announces 2010 scholarship winners

The GFWC Western Pocono Women's Club announced its 2010 Pleasant Valley Scholarship winners at its June membership meeting.

They are Sjanna Liptak and Emily Pierce. WPWC's Claire Napierski and Carol Esdale presented them with the scholarships.WPWC is a service organization in the West End of Monroe County.To learn more just visit

www.westernpoconowomensclub.org or email them at

wpwomensclub@gmail.com.The next meeting will be on Monday, July 19 at the Effort United Methodist Church in Effort at 7 p.m. Please feel free to join them at a meeting. New members are always welcomed.In August the ladies will be busy preparing for their food stand at the West End Fair, where they are known for their strawberry shortcakes and homemade soups. Be sure to visit them at the fair.