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A community effort to save old school

Jay Michalik, assistant fire chief in Mahoning Township, has put together a list of those most instrumental in helping to preserve the century-old, one-room, New Mahoning school house.

By contributing labor, materials, and funds, the school is being repaired. One of the major projects was raising the floor after it had fallen eight inches from a rotted support beam.Involved in the projectbesides Michalik are:Mike Kulick of K & M BuildersAndy and Kathy Pisulak and the staff of Palmerton LumberThe Getz family of Forest Inn MasonryMarilyn Frey family in memoryof Howard FreyW.M. Miller Painting CompanyBrian Andrews of Dunn RiteElectrical SystemGlenn Miller familyChris Nothstein and Boy Scout Troop 145Mark Hayman of Hayman Water SystemsRick Jones of Jones SanitationCarbon Builders AssociationRickey FreyBryan PollockRich BolagashDylan SmithDayle SmithBriar SternCraig ZiegenfusCarbon Builders AssociationMark EbbertDave PollockAll who donated to the Marian Smith Memorial Fund