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4,000 paintballers to recreate Normandy Invasion

The Normandy Invasion was the largest seaborne invasion in history, involving almost three million troops crossing from England to Normandy to the then German-occupied France.

In a re-creation of the fateful landing on eerily still German-held beaches, Skirmish, located about 14 miles North of Jim Thorpe, will be converting their paintball field front acreage into the coast of Normandy on Saturday and Sunday.Landing crafts will disgorge U.S. warriors from five locations for their assault across 75 yards of wide open beach-head, complete with bunkers, tanks, and disabled military helicopters.The German forces will be defending the shore lines in an attempt to keep the Allied troops out. Scenario players will also be able to interact with the French resistance fighters.The Invasion of Normandy is a 2-day Paintball Scenario Game and the action will begin precisely at Noon on Saturday, at the sound of an air-raid siren with the battle continuing until Noon Sunday.The 2010 Invasion of Normandy game is currently sold out with more than 4,000 paintball players taking part in the action.Skirmish has hosted the Invasion of Normandy for nine years now and every year this scenario game continues to get bigger and better with Skirmish having broken a world record with over 4,320 scenario players at Invasion of Normandy.The Skirmish compound features more than 50 award-winning paintball fields on more than 700 acres of top-notch Pocono terrain and they are the world's leader in paintball and have been in the industry for over 25 years.Anyone desiring more information on the Invasion of Normandy or their whitewater rafting and biking trips can visit their website at

www.Skirmish.com or call 1-800-SKIRMISH (1-800-754-7647).