Eldred column
St. Matthew's UCC
It was voted on and approved by the congregation to pursue plans to build an addition on to St. Matthew's UCC in Kunkletown.The main focus will be to see that there is an elevator and handicap accessible bathrooms on both levels of the building.The plans also include an addition that will house new Sunday School rooms, offices and conference room.St. Matthew's Laymen's Fellowship asks for donations of sugar, Carnation Milk, fresh milk and homemade shortcakes for its Strawberry Festival.These donations can be dropped off at the church Friday, June 18 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.You can bring the homemade shortcakes to the picnic grove on Sunday, June 20.You can call Loretta Hawk for the shortcake recipe.PVENPleasant Valley Ecumenical Network is in need of boys' and girls' pajamas and clothes in all sizes. They need linens, sheets, pillow cases and blankets. Gently used items are appreciated.Items can be dropped off at St. Matthew's during office hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and Sundays, 8-11:30 a.m.Eldred Township Historical SocietyEldred Township Historical Society is looking for donations of items for its Chinese auction at the Kunkletown Vol. Fire Co.'s carnival.Please contact Brenda Dorshimer at (610) 381-3895 if you have something to donate or bring it to the picnic grove on June 22 at 10 a.m.Graduation acknowledgmentsSt. Matthew's will be recognizing and saying prayers for any graduates on Sunday, June 13.If you have any one graduating from an accredited school, technical school or receiving licensing and would like their name to be included, contact the church at (610) 381-2442.Birthday greetingsPlease wish these neighbors a Happy Birthday this week: May 31 - Dale Greenzweig, Sr., Donald Schneider; June 2 - Anthony Palermo, Lillian Smith, Jenn Winchilla; June 3 - Ellen Kresge, Maurice Kresge, Emily Thek; June 4 - Violet Kromer; June 5 - Marisa Rentschler; June 6 - Garry Borger, Marlene Long.