Average population of prison 285 for month
The average population at the Schuylkill County Prison in Pottsville for March was 285 inmates, the high for the month was 296 inmates and as of the report 279, which consisted of 237 male and 42 female imtates and the cost of operating the prison for the month of March was $306,468.68, according to the report of Warden Eugene Berdanier made to the members of the Schuylkill County Prison Board at the monthly meeting held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville.
The monthly income totaled, $13,295.88, coming from room and board of work release inmates which totaled $4,700; reimbursed expenditures for prisoner telephone use, $5,327.43; social security, $1,800 and inmate commissory commission, $13,295.88. The expenditures were, salaries and wages, $168,748.11; overtime, $14,323.37; materials and supplies, $12,751.06; clothing and bedding, $437.75l; groceries, $30,979.11; cleaning supplies, $580.10; fuel, electric, water and sewer, $17,735.82; professional services, $55,790.04; dues and conferences, $250; in lieu of benefits, $210; other expenses, $1,466.72; maintenance and repairs, $1,968.72; maintenance agreements, $1,160 and copier machine cost, $67.88.Work performed in the prison building included the following:Cleaning performed to unblock drains; broken shower stem replaced; the coal and gas boiler was shutdown March 24; ceiling in kitchen re-painted; a water main break caused discollored drinking water which necessitated providing bottled water to inmates at meals; the classroom air unit was repaired; fence post in yard re-cemented; annual inspection of detectors and alarms completed; one cell door needed repairs.Eight inmates took exams and seven successfully passed to receive their high school General Education Diploma. The U. S. Census Bureau conducted a census account early in April showing 270 inmates.Prime Care Medical Inc., which provides health care to the inmates, in its monthly report showed, four inmates were taken to the hospital emergency room, 118 were on sick call, 149 seen by psychologists, 27 were seen by dentists and 22 were on suicide watch but no incidents occurred.All 20 work beds were filled inmates with employment; nine participated in the vocational rehabilitation program, which completed providing service to 75 senior citizen referred by the Office of Senior Services, plus eight community jobs and 11 jobs for the county.President Judge William E. Baldwin, who chairs the board, asked for a review of the policy of admission to the prison. The policy is that any inmate which may have been injured by a police officer while resisting arrest should be first treated at a hospital before admitted into the prison. There was an incident in which a prisoner was ordered by a district justice to be committed was turned away because of being under influence of drugs. Judge Baldwins said the inmate should have been admitted and the prison physician determine if needed hospitalization.