Published April 12. 2010 05:00PM
The Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit No. 21 hosted the 2010 Regional Academic Competition Friday.
The Regional Academic Competition featured 13 high schools from Carbon and Lehigh Counties competing against one another in a contest of knowledge. Students, in teams of four, answered a series of questions in a college-bowl format.During each round, students answered a series of toss-up questions where they have to "buzz in" first to answer, and a set of fanfare questions in which each team had 60 seconds to answer 10 questions.Students were quizzed on their knowledge of literature, math, science, American and world history, geography, the fine arts and current events.This year's high schools included: Allentown Central Catholic High School; Catasauqua High School; Dieruff High School; Emmaus High School; Jim Thorpe Area High School; Northern Lehigh High School; Northwestern Lehigh High School; Palmerton Area High School; Parkland High School; Salisbury Township High School; Southern Lehigh High School; Weatherly Area High School; and William Allen High School. This year's winner will represent the Carbon Lehigh IU at the state competition. This year's state event will be held 8:30 a.m to 4 p.m. May 7 at the Pa. House of Representatives and Senate Chambers in Harrisburg. The competition can also be viewed on PCN live.
Jim Thorpe students included Joshua Williams, Adan Dachawicz, Captn. Oliver Schultz, Michelle O'Toole.