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East Penn residents still unhappy about Troxell case

Jai Mertz invited East Penn supervisors' to come to his place behind the Clair Troxell property. See what I see every day, he told them on Monday.

Supervisor Randy Pfeiffer agreed to visit.Resident Harvey Keiper reminded the new board that they had promised to settle the Troxell issue. He added that "We don't want the board meeting with Troxell."Solicitor Jim Nanovic said Troxell had filed his brief with the court and now Nanovic has to file the township's response.Keiper said trucks cannot make the turn into the Troxell property from Route 895. Cars have to line up and wait while the trucks manage the turn. Keiper lives across the street from Troxell.Pfeiffer said the wheels of justice move slow. He doesn't think there are any actions the township can take at this time.Nanovic assured residents there had been no private meetings.At least some of the people unhappy with the situation realized the township could not do anything at this time, but said they wanted it to be kept in supervisors' view.Resident Walter Zlomsowitch asked how much their newly appointed zoning hearing board solicitor was earning. The solicitor is Schwab Law Offices and the fee is $130 per hour.Following the meeting, Schwab said he will turn over any pay to the recreation board. Previous pay from the township has been turned back for various purposes.Resident Peter Nowlan asked why minutes from the March meeting were not available. Secretary Deanna Cunfer appeared surprised and said she had prepared them. Minutes are available at the township building or by email if requested.Resident Joe Ehritz commented on the number of potholes. He wanted a report on the pavilion and disc golf at the parks.Schwab said the Department of Environmental Protection has not given the township a permit for the pavilion. An application was made to extend the grant for one year. The baskets are being installed Tuesday for the disc golf course.He said the parks committee plans to tour the parks and see what they can do to improve them without cost to the township.Pfeiffer said for years there were problems of overcharging and double billing from Spotts, Stevens and McCoy. When invoices were paid it was without including the SSM invoice.Subdivision plans were accepted from Mary C. Pry, a sketch plan, and Virginia M. Andreas, a minor subdivision. They will be reviewed by the planning commission in April.River rock over landscaping material will be used at the sewer pumping station rather than planting grass.CodeMaster was appointed as the plumbing inspector.A to-be-advertised meeting will be held by supervisors and others involved about sewer concerns. A will be open to the public but without their input or questions. A second meeting will be held to provide information to residents.The recreation board ordinance to reduce the number of members to seven was adopted.With the exception of two bids for road material, all were accepted from Lehigh Asphalt. The remaining two went to Hansen Industries.Supervisor Cory Smith was authorized to plan road projects and can use engineer Bruce Steigerwalt to help him.Twenty-six acres were added to the ag security area.Nancy Carlson was ordered to fill in a foundation on Thomas Jefferson Road that is not being used. She asked if tearing down the roadside wall would be sufficient. Since the other three walls would still present a danger, she is to be held to the original agreement.The disc golf course will have its grand opening on May 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Riverview Park. Events will include casual play, how-to clinics, closest-to contests, disc raffles, discs for sale and information about the local disc golf scene.At the March meeting Schwab said the bridge across the canal at Parryville would be replaced by the turnpike commission and left in place when the turnpike bridges are complete. It was brought to his attention that he had the wrong bridge and it will be removed. He chose not to provide the correct information although he said he knew he had the wrong information in March."The bridge in question does traverse the canal, however, it is owned and maintained by Rock Hill Concrete and connects the concrete plant to Savage Industries …. The bridge the contractor will construct, adjacent to the existing bridge, will be temporary …" - from an email signed by Mimi Doyle, public involvement specialist, Pa. Turnpike Commission.

ELSA KERSCHNER/TIMES NEWS This is what we come home to every night, said Jai Mertz, who lives behind the Clair Troxell property in East Penn Township. He said Easter visitors described the view as ugly. A building has graffiti that includes curse words, said Mertz.