Snow emergency routes adopted with input from fire company
Bowmanstown council member Pam Leiby said she had talked to Mike Spairana, fire chief, to determine emergency routes that have to be cleared of snow to various parts of the borough. She shared the information at the Tuesday meeting.
The route to the sewer treatment plant raised concerns that a staging area would be needed but by using Lincoln and Cedar the trucks could loop around.A route was set to Route 248. There was a question about Meadowcrest, but that would be reached via Fireline Road and is not considered a problem.Councilman Ernie Guldner said 500 gallons of water per minute for an hour are needed at the Lincoln Street hydrant. He wanted the fire company to test it but councilman Norman Engle said the water authority should do it.Leiby presented three versions of a peddler's ordinance for the council to study until the next meeting.Councilman Troy Muffley talked about getting new light fixtures providing more efficient lighting. He has prices for 23 fixtures plus changing the bulbs in the hall lights. PPL is supposedly giving $14 per light in rebates because the new lights will use less electricity.The merry-go-round is broken. It will be checked to see if it can be repaired. Muffley said the playground equipment should gradually be replaced since the sliding board is getting rusty.Councilman William Ravert said it should be taken out of service if it could be a danger.Muffley is going to get prices on repairing the sidewalk on Mill Street and several squares on Ore Street. At the same time, he will include concrete to place a floor in the borough hall basement so it can be used for storage.The Intermediate Unit will paint the fire hydrants. The borough has to provide the paint and brushes.Guldner asked if they could take the caps off the hydrants and grease the threads at the same time as they paint. Councilman Chad Everett suggested they check with the school and Ravert said he will talk to them.The borough received $22 for violations, $138 from the tax claim bureau and $1,553 for local realty transfer tax.Mazzuca, the company installing the new sewer lines from East Penn, hit a water line and thinks the borough should pay repair costs. Guldner said the pipe was pulled out on both ends. He said Mazzuca made the "one-call" but did not wait for an answer so it is their responsibility. The repair has been made.A clean-out for the sewer plant will cost $1,964, said Everett. He said Craig Labarre, plant operator, requested it.The 2007 recycling performance grant of $1,332 has finally been received.Guldner will meet with John Davis of PennDOT to go over the work to be done on Forge and Hamilton streets.The concrete saw broke. Guldner said it would be too expensive to be worth fixing. Two quotes for a new one are $1,549 and $1,356. Ravert said they should get a four-cycle saw. He will get a price.A two-cycle tamper, needed to pack blacktop, has been quoted at $1,699 and $3,000. Last year the water authority wanted to share the price with the borough so it can share use. Ravert will check that price also.A big tree needs to come down. After it is laid in the field it can be cut for firewood. The price received was $600 but Pencor will cut it down without charge after coordinating with PPL.Leiby said Richard Beers has flags and plans to give the borough one but since they have tasseled edges there was a question whether they were the proper kind to fly outside.A letter of thanks was received from the Census Bureau in gratitude for use of office space.The insurance boiler inspector was in, and will be sending a list of improvements to have it meet specifications.As a result of moving permit violations, a man was found guilty and fined $100 plus costs.A question came up about meal reimbursement during extended overtime. The personnel committee will discuss it and present its findings.Asphalt Paving Systems is offering specialty paving services.The borough office will be closed on Good Friday.