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Palmerton news

Newspaper Drive

The men and boys of St. John's Lutheran Church will hold their monthly newspaper drive on Saturday, April 3. There will be one sweep of the Palmerton, Aquashicola, and Little Gap areas beginning at 8 a.m.Papers should be bundled and placed within sight of the collectors. They are collecting papers only, no magazines. They also need brown grocery size paper bags.Persons missed or those wishing to dispose of papers throughout the month may take them to the garage across from the church on Fireline Road, which is always open. In case of bad weather, the drive will be held the following Saturday.Concourse ClubThe Palmerton Concourse Club will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 8, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton. The program is "Decorating with Accessories by Jill Kearney, Interior Decorator".The Concourse Club is a community organization always giving back and helping others. If you would like to become a member, or for more information, call (610) 826-2716.Holy Trinity LutheranHoly Week services for Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, are as follows: Maundy Thursday services will be at 7:30 p.m., April 1 in the Fellowship Hall; Good Friday service will be at 7:30 p.m., April 2 in Holy Trinity's Nave; Sunday, April 4, Easter sunrise services will be held at 6:15 a.m. at the Village of Palmerton; Easter services will be held at 8 and 10:45 a.m. in the Nave.An Easter breakfast by the Mem's Group will be held immediately following the 8 a.m. service.Knitting ClubThe Knitting Club will meet at 6 p.m., Monday, April 5, at the Palmerton Area Library. The club is free and open to anyone interested in needle crafts, regardless of skill level. Beginners are welcome.Teen Advisory GroupThe Teen Advisory Group for students in grades 7-12 will meet at the Palmerton Area Library at 3 p.m., Wednesday, April 7. New members are always welcome. Call the library at (610) 826-3424 for more information.Bloodmobile visitThe Miller/Keystone Bloodmobile will be at the First UCC Church next to Palmerton Borough Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 8. This visit is sponsored by the Aquashicola Fire Company. New donors are always needed to maintain the supply of blood for all area hospitals. For more information, call (610) 826-2097.