Tamaqua news
The South Ward Neighborhood Committee met last Thursday to review current projects and start planning new ones. Chairwoman Louise Howells conducted the business session. The group agreed to waive the reading of the previous meeting's minutes in order to provide more time for the guest speaker.
Guest speaker Tina Soley of Schuylkill Community Action provided an overview of services provided by the non-profit group, most of which are available to low income families. Each program has its own guidelines, based on individual and family income. The programs provide a wide ranging variety of assistance, including weatherization of homes, money management, emergency food and shelter, outreach programs, affordable home ownership and more.The committee discussed the benefits and possibilities of sponsoring seminars on the individual SCA programs.With the end of winter weather in sight, the group discussed the re-activation of the borough Crime Watch program. Several people have volunteered to become active in the program. Phone calls will be made in the next week to set up a schedule with those volunteers.Chairwoman Howells, Kay McGrath and Kathy Nunnemacher volunteered to serve on a fund raising committee. The Carriage Street Stairway, playground renovation/community center and pocket park at Hunter and Spruce Street projects were all discussed, with updates provided by the Elm Street Manager. The Spring Clean Up will be held April 24, as part of the Schuylkill-Keep It Pretty Campaign. Volunteers will meet at 8 a.m., at the office, located next to the South Ward Playground.The next meeting will be April 15, at 7 p.m., at 230 Race St.Class of 2010The Decorating Committee for the Tamaqua Class of 2010 will meet today, at 7 p.m., on the third floor of the Tamaqua Elks, 201 W. Broad St. The group will be working on decorations for the upcoming all night party.