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CCTI student wins Palmerton Historical Society poster contest

Sometimes things go so well together that they're said to be a match made in heaven.

With her background in graphic design, a poster contest proved to be right up Trese Merkel's alley.Merkel, a sophomore student at the Carbon Career and Technical Institute, won the Palmerton Historical Society's 20th Birthday Celebration poster contest.That her poster took top honors was a surreal moment for Merkel, since the contest was open to students in grades 9-12 in the Palmerton Area School District.For her stellar work, Merkel took home a $150 cash prize. In addition, she and her parents are invited to the Historical Society's birthday dinner at the First UCC in Palmerton at 4:30 p.m. April 24.Merkel, who received the news that she had won the contest by telephone at her home, said she was on cloud nine."I was amazed by it," Merkel said. "I didn't believe it at first."Merkel said her CCTI graphic design teacher, Michele Klock, handed out booklets which ultimately gave her the idea for her poster.From there, Merkel said she wrote down her information on paper, did her layout for the words, used some paintbrushes in Photoshop to make the colors in the background, and put in a scrip font.Last, but not least, Merkel was sure to incorporate an image of "Patches", located in the pocket park along Fourth Street and Delaware Avenue, to round out her poster."I wanted to give it an older look, and made it look rustic," she said. "We like when contests come around, because then we have a chance to show our work."Cindy Gasper, historical society steering committee member, said CCTI does a tremendous job with its graphic arts program."We're real happy with her design," Gasper said. "She did a great job."The poster contest began in January, and was the first unofficial activity in honor of the celebration.A Founder's Day Tea will be held from 2-4 p.m. Sunday at the Palmerton Area Heritage Center at 410 Delaware Ave. in Palmerton.The event is the official kick-off to the yearlong celebration, and will be a Meet and Greet with refreshments.The original officers, board of directors, charter members as well as current members will be on hand.The yearlong celebration will end on Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. with an ecumenical service at the Little White Church.

TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS Trese Merkel of Palmerton, a sophomore student at Carbon Career and Technical Institute, displays the work she created that won the Palmerton Area Historical Society's 20th Birthday Celebration poster contest.