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Holidays made happier for children

Dear Editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in helping make the holidays a lot happier for many children in our area. The outpouring of generosity was once again tremendous. It's nice to know there are so many caring individuals throughout our community.Special thanks goes out to the wonderful management and staff of St. Luke's Miner's Memorial Hospital in Coaldale, once again your efforts were remarkable. I find it amazing on how the staff at St. Luke's manages to outdo themselves year after year. Also, special thanks to Bernie Mieczowski from Alicia Paving for once again doing such a wonderful job of delivering the gifts to the families, without your help it would have been impossible.The United Methodist Church in Summit Hill again provided our children with winter hats, gloves, socks and other goodies. Thanks to Jack and Faye Bryant for bringing them to the school for distribution.Our Lehighton Center once again had some special holiday help from the Jim Thorpe Rotary they have helped provide for our families for several years.Also, Lehighton Area High School Seniors Kristi Mriss and Amanda Morris did a wonderful job making their senior project by helping our families have a brighter holiday. Also special thanks to the US Marine Corps Toys For Tots Program and Sgt. Michael Buckles for providing the delivery truck that transported gifts to our Lehighton Center. Everyone's dedication and commitment in helping our families is greatly appreciated.Registrations for the 2010-11 school year will be beginning shortly, if you have a child between the ages of 3-5 and would like more information please contact: Lehighton Center (610)377-3214 or the Coaldale Center (570) 645-7578.On Behalf of all the staff, children and their families, again, THANK YOU!Billie-Jo SwartzFamily ServiceCommunityPartnership WorkerPathStone, Carbon County Head StartCoaldale Centerbswartz@pathstone.org