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Blue Green Book will teach residents to be environmentally friendly

The Environmental Advisory Council of Kidder Township met Wednesday night after the meeting was rescheduled due to weather last week. One of the important topics discussed by the EAC is their environmental guide. The book will be free to Kidder Township residents. The "Blue Green Book" as the KTEAC is calling the book will be a comprehensive guide on how homeowners can be environmentally friendly.

The KTEAC has taken great care to ensure that the information is as thorough and up to date to ensure the longest shelf life. The book is written towards an 8th grade level making it easy for adults and older children to read and understand. This is another attempt by the Kidder Township Environmental Advisory Council to pass along information to homeowners in the most effective way. The comprehensive guide book will be approximately 60 pages.The Kidder Township Environmental Advisory Council has been working on the book for the last few years. It is based on similar books from Massachusetts and Washington State. The "Blue Green Book" should be in production by the summer of 2010 pending funding. The book is all but complete at this point. The KTEAC is now in the process of getting quotes for printing and production of the book.The last step the KTEAC has to make is to secure funding for the project. The Kidder Township Environmental Advisory Council has a few grant requests being processed or on hold due to lack of funding at the current time. The KTEAC is also in the process of submitting another grant letter with the deadline quickly approaching on April 1st.The KTEAC has been receiving help from other organizations that have similar books already completed. There is a lot of cooperation between many Environmental Councils between many different regions to help complete the guide book which all parties involved feel is a very keep step towards conservation.