Published February 04. 2010 05:00PM
Discussed at the work session of the Schuylkill County Commissioners, which was held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville, were items pertaining to sending out identification cards to registered voters of realighned districts to show voters which precincts they are assigned. Also discussed was a long contract for cleaning the windows in the courthouse building, seeking bids for installing a new water line in MaryD and a number of fee for service contracts.
Election Director Frannie Brennan told the commissioners she has started sending out ID cards to voters and still has about 45,000 to send and is preparing a list of the locations of new polling places under the consolidation of voting precints approved last year. The changes reduces the number of precincts to 125.Willliam Liptok, public works director, reviewed with the commissioners only one bid received for window cleaning services for the courthouse building although invitations to bid were sent to five other companies.An engineer from PennDOT briefed the commissioners on a new bridge being installed a quarter mile east of Auburn to carry SR183 over the Schuylkill River. The bridge is in the area where the county has its Bartram Trail for hikers and the change will allow the hikers to cross the road under the bridge instead of bucking traffic.Grant Writer Gary Bender, who is now also in charge of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program discussed with the commissioners seeking bids to install a new water line on Walnut Street in MaryD. County Fiscal Analist Paul Buber discussed extending a contract to review the workmen's compensation liability claims.The board complimented the court system for eliminating a position in the Domestic Relations Department after the person holding the job retired instead of filling the post to confirm with the county's plan to reduce cost.The commisioners at next Wednesday's public meeting will take action on matters discussed.