Wieczorek elected Mahoning chairman
In their annual reorganizational meeting Monday, the Mahoning Township board of supervisors unanimously elected supervisor John Wieczorek as the chairman of the board while Supervisor Travis Steigerwalt was named to the Vice Chairman position. Neither person was opposed in the nomination process.
In addition, current Secretary-Treasurer Natalie Haggerty was reappointed to her position with a 75 cent increase in her hourly rate of $17 bringing her rate to $17.75 per hour. In addition Elizabeth Yoder was reappointed to the position of Township Clerk at her existing rate of $13 per hour. Supervisors mentioned the township clerk's position is part-time and is based on a 20 hour work week. Wieczorek said that she is also available to fill in for the secretary if Haggerty must attend a seminar or is on vacation.Wieczorek mentioned that he would like to see an evaluation system put in place to help provide a dialog between the heads of the departments and the supervisors. This concept came up during the discussion of setting Haggerty's rate."I would like to see an annual appraisal occur on the anniversary date of the month she started," he said referring to Haggerty specifically but later expanding the idea to include the other department heads namely the police and road crew.Supervisor George Stawnyczyj pointed out that while Haggerty served at will, the road crew Supervisor Ron Reeser and Police Chief Kenneth Barnes both had contracts that governed their pay rates and terms of service. "I think we should be glad she is here and doing the work she has done. She only has part-time help and has been handling the work of one and a half people."Wieczorek pointed out that he wasn't necessarily looking at the evaluation system as a compensation tool but more a performance tool. "It will help us to recognize strengths and help our employees improve their weaknesses."Supervisor Linda Benner asked if it was possible they could provide an incentive into the system though so that if the performance was satisfactory there could be some compensation award.Wieczorek said that typically municipalities set rates at the beginning of the year following the normal budget cycle but supposed it could be possible. There was some discussion when Yoder's rate was set about an increase but Haggerty pointed out that she was still in the six-month probation period and that would be evaluated in March.Steigerwalt mentioned setting up an appraisal system was something he mentioned when he joined the board two years ago, but it had not been addressed until now.The topic ended with a decision to discuss it more at the next business meeting.