Published December 22. 2009 05:00PM
The Lansford American Legion Post 123, Lansford Sons of the American Legion, and Lansford American Legion youth donated $2,650 to local organizations during their annual Christmas Party.
The Lansford American Legion provided $500 each to the Lansford Ambulance, Lansford Fire Company, and Lansford Police Department. The also gave $250 to the Schuylkill Carbon Marine Corps League Toys For Tots Campaign.The Lansford Sons of the American Legion also gave donations of $200 each to the Lansford Ambulance, Lansford Fire Company, and Lansford Police Department. The Sons also gave $200 to the Schuylkill Carbon Marine Corps League Toys For Tots Campaign. The Lansford American Legion youth also donated $50 towards Toys For Tots. Lansford Alive also received $100 from the Legion.
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Pictured during the Lansford American Legion Post 123 check presentations, from left, are Lansford American Legion Jr Vice President Jay Doyle, Commander Bill Coll, Vice Commander Dav Padora, Lansford American Legion Home Association President Tim Midas, Historian Jack Anderson, Legion Sons of the American Legion Commander John Delena, Lansford Police Chief John Turcmanovich, Lansford Fire Company Chief Mark Kosica, Lansford Fire Company President Chris Aungst, and Schuylkill Carbon Marine Corps League Toys For Tots Andrew Leibenguth.