Published November 20. 2009 05:00PM
National White Cane Safety Day was Oct. 15 and the Western Pocono Lions Club collected $408.87. Helen Koshensky, president of the Western Pocono Lions Club, wants people to know that they can make donations all year round.
In 1930, a Lion's Club member watched as a blind man attempted to make his way across a busy street using a black cane. With the realization that the black cane was barely visible to motorists, the Lion's Club decided to paint the cane white to increase its visibility to oncoming motorists. Since then, the Lions have been identified with the discovery of the white cane for identification of the visually challenged.Donations to the White Cane are used for: eye exams and glasses for those in need; support worldwide projects such as "Campaign Sight First II;" send blind and handicapped children and adults to PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp with all expenses paid; offer scholarships to deserving students at Pleasant Valley High School; support of VIABL (Visual Impairment and Blindness Services); support Juvenile Diabetes Association; support Lions Leader Dogs for the Blind; and special community needs as they arise."We as Lions continue to 'honor' this most important day to assert that the white cane is truly the symbol of independence for the blind and visually impaired in the world," says Helen.