Student council makes presentation to Northern Lehigh board
Whoever scoffs at the notion that today's youth aren't actively involved in school-related functions haven't come in contact with the Northern Lehigh High School Student Council.
Members of the Student Council made a strong impression during their annual presentation before the school board on Monday in which members of the group were in attendance.Senior Taylor Trapp, student council president, said the group consists of 29 members. Other officers include Craemer Hedash, vice president, Addison George, secretary, and Aaron Rarick, treasurer.Hedash said over $2,000 was raised over a recent three-day span in honor of senior Russell Jacoby IV, who passed away last month after he was involved in a car accident.The Oct. 30 high school blood drive registered 75 donors, with 64 units of blood collected, Hedash said. Various committees, as well as several faculty members, were then recognized for their assistance.Hedash said the school's spring blood drive will be held May 14. He said the goal is to collect 75 units of blood.Renee Evans, student council adviser, noted that Nov. 15-21 is American Education Week."Our goal is to be more service oriented, rather than social oriented, to give back to our community," Evans said. "We decided to honor the school as a whole, and honor the teachers, and more importantly, honor the students."Evans then said the students were also in attendance to honor the school board, who received a bag that contained a Northern Lehigh Homecoming towel and bottled water.All told, Evans said there are 101 seniors who've shown academic growth on their Pennsylvania System of State Assessments (PSSA) scores in grades 8-11 last spring.Evans said the students would be recognized at a Senior Celebration Breakfast from 7-7:45 a.m. Nov. 17 in the high school cafeteria.She said the breakfast will celebrate the success of the seniors who achieved academic growth, and added they will receive a personal invitation to the hot breakfast and a raffle ticket for prizes drawn throughout the breakfast."Our community has been great with donating certificates," Evans said. "The high school staff donated jean dress down money."Rarick said a recent Hats on Day for cancer at the high school took in $300. He said that for a $1, the students could wear hats all day in the classroom.The student council decided to keep the money within the district, and will write one check to two families who will receive $150 each, along with a card from the students, Rarick said.A fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness month also netted money that will be donated to two families as well, he said.From there, the rest of the student council members were introduced to the board.In a related matter, Director Lori Geronikos lauded both Evans, as well as student council, for the start up of this year's Bigs and Littles program.Evans said there are currently 44 Bigs to just 34 Littles, and noted the need for more Littles.She also noted kindergarten teachers will receive a student aide."That's pretty neat," Evans said. "We hope it just grows and grows."