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School sewer system repairs to cost $20,000

Work to repair its high school/junior high school sewer system could cost Palmerton Area School District about $20,000.

Dave Rodrigues, director of facilities, informed the school board's Buildings and Grounds Committee on Thursday that the sewer was blocked on Oct. 21.At that time, Rodrigues said a 30-foot section of terra cotta line was blocked with roots. As a result, PVC piping was installed, he said.However, Rodrigues told the committee he has submitted next year's budget, which calls for repairs to the rest of the existing terra cotta lines.In a related matter, Rodrigues said the district needs to replace a high water level probe for its water system. He said the parts have been ordered.Also on Thursday, the committee discussed the status of a project to restore its high school stadium/weightroom roof.The roof has several leaks that has caused the steel decking under the roof span to rot. A total roof replacement is expected.Committee member Carl Bieling told Rodrigues he was concerned with how the project was being handled from a financial standpoint.Superintendent Carol Boyce told Bieling the building is "fast approaching unusability because of that leaky roof."But, Bieling said he wasn't sure whether the district should continue to invest money into the building."Should we be dumping money into that, or should we be putting it toward another building," Bieling said. "I don't want to be bleeded on this with a couple of items every month."Bieling asked Rodrigues to come up with an itemized list of costs associated with the building.Rodrigues said he should be able to provide a list in time for next month's buildings and grounds committee meeting.In an unrelated matter, Rodrigues told the committee that a hot water heater has been replaced at Towamensing Elementary.Finally, Rodrigues announced that the high school dish machine has been replaced.