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Signs for mini mart allowed

The Rush Township Zoning Hearing Board agreed Tuesday to allow a planned Turkey Hill Minit Mart to install signs with red and green lights.

The township zoning rules bar signs with red, green or amber lights, and the board was concerned that the sign on Route 309 would entice drivers to make left hand turns into the convenience store/gas station/car wash from Route 309 north.But the board agreed to grant permission for the 17-foot-tall gas price signs after Phil Saunders of SIGNMedix, Lancaster, agreed to move the one planned for near Route 309 as close as possible to the intersection of Route 309 and Route 54.Saunders said the Turkey Hill Minit Mart is expected to be open by the end of December or very early in January.Only one member of the public attended the hearing, a man who lives directly across from the planned store. he was concerned about bright lights glaring on his house, but Saunders explained that the signs would shed light up and down the highway, not across the street.Township Zoning Officer William N. McMullen said he received no written comments about the zoning request.Zoning Hearing Board member Cathey Schimpf was concerned that the Route 309 sign might draw drivers into thinking they could turn left from the northbound lane. drivers will be able to make a left-hand turn farther up, at the Wyoming Street intersection.The minit mart is part of a project that will include a fast-food restaurant, as yet unidentified, to be built between Lincoln Avenue and Route 309, just north of Route 54. The convenience store will be at the corner of Claremont Avenue and Lincoln Drive.The 20,000 square-foot property is owned by MBC Development, LP, of Schuylkill Haven.

CHRIS PARKER/TIMES NEWS Phil Saunders of SIGNMedix, Lancaster, left, and Rush Township Zoning Officer William N. McMullen, right, explain plans for lighted signs for the Turkey Hill Minit Mart being built between Lincoln Avenue and Route 309 to the township Zoning Hearing Board Tuesday. At bottom left, foreground, is zoning board member Wayne Postupack.