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Northern Lehigh news

Art contest

The Slatington Woman's Club will hold its annual Arts Contest. Categories include: youth short story, grades 1 to 12; photography, grades 4 to 12; and student art, grades 1 to 12. The contest date is Jan. 18, 2010; and deadline for entries is Jan. 4, 2010. For additional information please contact Carol Miller at (610) 767-6280 or e-mail her at

carolm1@ptd.net. The rules and applications can be found on the club's Web site at

slatingtongfwc.tripod.com.Canal Association donationsMamie Kelchner Jones has donated an oil painting of hers, featuring a winter scene depicting children ice skating near the covered bridge which once spanned the canal. The late Fred Navatier had also donated a painting of Frank Kelchner's General Store, which was located directly across the canal from the Locktender's House. Mamie is Kelchner's niece. He was the last locktender at Lock #23, and Fred was the grandson of Frank.Both paintings are on display in the Locktender's House.Welsh Hymn SingThe public is welcome to join United Presbyterian Church, 6750 PA Rt. 873, Slatington, on Sunday, Nov. 8 for its 51st Annual Gymanafa Ganu (Welsh Hymn Sing). The afternoon session will begin at 2:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The conductor is Robert A. Jones from New York; the organist is Robert Miller from Maine; and the pianist is Anna Mary Milot, choir director/organist of the Slatington United Presbyterian Church.Special music will be by the "Tri-Cees Chorale" from the Schnecksville Campus of Lehigh Carbon Community College under the direction of Dr. David A. McConnell. All are welcome to join them for this annual tradition. Music is sung mostly in English and some Welsh, if you are able. An expanded "Te Bach" (Welsh Tea) will follow the program. A free will offering is taken to help defray expenses. For more information call the church at (610) 767-8113 or Milot at (610) 767-8337.