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Red Ribbon Week at PVMS

The Panther Valley Middle School held activities for Red Ribbon Week from Oct. 23 to Oct. 31.

Fundraiser: "Drugs Make No Cents". Student Council sold paper Red Chain Links during lunches for a quarter. This enters the student into a drawing for prizes and a chance to play in the Dodge Ball Tournament. In addition, the grade with the longest chain will get to watch a "fun" movie asa reward. All money will be donated to the Relay for Life Team which raises money for the American Cancer Society.Activity: "Dodge Drugs" in a Dodge Ball Tournament. Friday, Oct. 30 the school will operate on a two hour delay. All faculty and studentswerein the gym from 8:15 to 10:15 a.m. to participate in the dodge ball tournament, draw names for prizes, see which grade has the longest chain and find out how much money the school raised.Theme Days are Monday, "Turn Your Back on Drugs". Tuesday, "Team up Against Drugs". Wednesday, "Hats off to a Healthy Future".Thursday, "Show your Town Spirit" . Friday, "Get out of Bed... Wear Red".There were Door Decorating, posters/sings contests, and the student council members played a large role in planning, organizing and implementing the Red Ribbon Week.The total amount raised for the third year was $283 for the Relay for Life team..This was the most raised so far. The seventh grade raised the most followed by the sixth grade then the eighth grade.The following businesses provided donations to be utilized as prizes for the fundraiser and for participating in the week's activities: Valley Athletic, PVMS Student Council, PVMS PTO, McDonald's of Nesquehoning, Pizza Hut in Lehighton, Subway in Lehighton, Chiu Kwan Kitchen, Burger King of Lehighton, Two King's Pizza in Hometown, Subway of Tamaqua, LaDolce Casa in Tamaqua and Marco's Pizza Restaurant in Lansford.

CAROL ZICKLER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Panther Valley Middle School student Mark Williams shows off his button.