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Summit Hill will push back its Trick or Treat night to Sunday in case of inclement weather

Summit Hill Mayor Paul R. McArdle has announced alternate plans to observe Trick or Treat Night in the borough in the event of inclement weather.

McArdle said there will be no official announcement of a postponement, but parents are asked to use their judgment with regard to Halloweening from 6-8 o'clock tonight. The mayor said a "drizzle" would not alter plans, but, he said, if heavier rains prevail, Trick or Treat Night will take place on Sunday between the same hours. Residents are asked to have their properties well lighted.Members of the American Legion Post 316 and Summit Hill Fire Department and Fire Police are expected to provide walking patrols during the program hours in order to assist added police coverage that will be on detail in the best interests of the children.