Chestnuthill column
Community Halloween
Tuesday, Oct. 27, from 4:30-7:30, the Second Annual Community Halloween event will be held at the Pleasant Valley High School in Brodheadsville.Members of the PVHS Leo Club will be coloring Halloween pictures and reading stories to young children as well as passing out Halloween treats.Trunk or TreatingFor the second year, Effort UMC will host an Annual Halloween Fellowship Night. It will be held from 6:30-9 p.m., Friday, Oct. 30, beginning with a dinner. Then will come costume judging, apple bobbing, pumpkin painting and "trunk or treating," when the youth go outside from car trunk to decorated car trunk for their treats.Fun Bunch doingsThe Fun Bunch, a social group from the ranks of the Western Pocono Lioness Club, will meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on Friday, Nov. 6, at the club house at Robinhood Village.Members are asked to bring their own lunch. The group will be working on photographs for the pictures taken with Santa, which is always part of the Lioness Club's Breakfast with Santa event in early December.Needed food itemsEffort UMC's Supplemental Family Resource Center has some empty shelves again after helping a number of families from the West End community. Needed are: peanut butter and jelly, pasta, egg noodles and rice, tuna, applesauce, toilet paper, peas, carrots, fruit such as pears and peaches, and juice.Also needed are brown paper bags.Anyone wishing to help can bring the items to the church during regular business hours. For other times, call the church at (570) 629-1890.For the PVEN certain items are also needed in light of the several hundred food baskets the PVEN will be giving out. Those items include peanut butter and jelly, bread cubes for stuffing or filling, cranberry sauce, canned gravy, cake mixes and canned icing.Items can be dropped off at the PVEN Community Service Center in Brodheadsville, the former Methodist Church on Greenview and McIlhaney Drive, Tuesday and Friday mornings, or by making arrangements with the Center by calling (570) 992-3631.Exercise anyone?If local residents' physical activity program suffers from lack of a place to walk when the winter weather comes, a reminder is to check out the Pleasant Valley School District winter walking program.For more information, call the superintendent's office at (570) 402-1000, ext. 1205PVHS Veterans Day programPleasant Valley High School will hold its 13th Annual Veterans Day program on Wednesday, Nov 11, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Local veterans, commissioners, and politicians will be speaking and attending. Students will have displays along with the armed services attending.Birthday greetingsCelebrating their special day this week are: Sarah Pratt, Timothy Hatchers, Oct. 27; Laura Morgan, Jessica Francis, Chelsea Buck, Oct. 28; M'Linda Brodt, Colleen Clark, Stephanie Arnold, Annie Garner, Allison Moretz, Kayla Smith, Timothy Aldinger, Alicia Schaeffer, Oct. 29; Christina Scheller, Daniel Mackes, Kenneth Hatt, Erica Foley, Caroline Klein, Oct. 30; Kayla Frinzi, Debbi Muir, Timothy Black, Mark Thomas, Jeff Lamberson, Jessica Greif, Jennifer Wimperis, Kailee Schmidt, Tom Kresge, Oct. 31; Eli Serlenga, Cory Johnson, Nov. 2; Kelly Unangst, Karen Ostyn, Emma Bush, Andrea Yetter, Nov. 3.Anniversaries notedHappy Anniversary to: Russell and Denise Gould on Oct. 30; belatedly to Cidalia and Jose Soares on their 24th celebrated on Oct. 26; to Pastor Dave and Ruthann Felker on their 40th.Norman and Carolyn Altemose celebrated their 50th. That special occasion was marked with a surprise luncheon at The Chateau at Camelback hosted by the family. Over 50 family members and friends were present at the celebration held this past Sunday.Busy weekThis week includes Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31; the end of Daylight-saving time, early Sunday, Nov. 1, so be sure to change the clocks Saturday evening; and Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3.Remember, those who do not vote do theoretically vote by their lack of making a counted choice.