Published October 26. 2009 05:00PM
Trick or Treat
The official Trick or Treat night in Eldred Township is Saturday, Oct. 31 from 6-8 p.m. Turn your porch light on if you are accepting Trick or Treaters and just a word of caution to all drivers to be aware of any and all little ghosts and goblins out and about.Operation: Touch of HomeJust a reminder that Operation: Touch of Home is still looking for anyone currently serving in the military in Afghanistan or Iraq to forward their names to them to receive a care package; or if you would like to make a donation of cash to help with shipping or of items for the care packages, contact (570) 977-1724.Birthday wishesPlease wish these neighbors and friends a very Happy Birthday this week: Oct. 26 - Hunter Deihl, Nancy Kocher, Autumn Moore, Eleanor Long; Oct. 29 - Chase Missmer; Oct. 30 - Kevin Costenbader; Oct. 31 - Yvonne Burger, Ronald Frantz II, Darlene Peters.