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There's something new in Jim Thorpe

New things have been popping up around the borough of Jim Thorpe recently and they're not trees or weeds. They're new, easy to read, and strategically-placed directional signs which should help to make a visitor's stay in town less confusing and more enjoyable.

According to Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Projects Manager Dale Freudenberger, this project started three years ago and is a partnership project between the Borough of Jim Thorpe, the Jim Thorpe Visioning Committee, and the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor.It includes the town-wide installation of directional signage using the D&L standard sign design.The hope is that this project will make visitor directions easier to understand and help people visiting the community find the major attractions and landmarks in the town.It also will help to clean up the town-wide signage by getting rid of a hodge-podge of different types of signs put up over a period of many years.They're putting up the last few signs this week for a total of 14 signs in all.This project was paid for through a legislative grant to the borough of Jim Thorpe from State Rep. Keith McCall matched by an equally matching grant from the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor.Total cost of the project is about $15,000.The signs were manufactured and installed by Sign Design of Allentown.

VICTOR IZZO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS As Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Projects Manager Dale Freudenberger (left) looks on, workmen from Sign Design of Allentown install one of 14 new town-wide directional signs at the intersection of Broadway and Quarry Street in Jim Thorpe on Wednesday. The new signs will make visitor directions easier to understand and help people visiting the community find the major attractions and landmarks in the town.