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So thankful for the pool

Dear Editor:

I would like to take this time to thank all those people who were instrumental in bringing back the Lehighton pool.I've been swimming at that pool since it first opened and used it daily while I spent my summers with my cousin, Martha Hawk. I swam every summer except when it was shut down and then I went to the Panther Valley pool in Lansford.I thank Tom, the manager, for his patience and his excellent training of the pool staff. Tom did a marvelous job at Panther Valley and just as well at Lehighton.Since having amputated toes, I really wanted to go swimming. So I attempted one hot day in August, I kept losing my balance, but so many people came up to me (some were strangers) to ask if they could help me! I want to thank all of those who offered. Tom's staff, Tom, himself, Pool Pals, the three Muffley girls and Fran Flickinger who drove me to the pool.A very special thank you to St. Michael Hospital supplies and equipment St. Michael's donated both a "water walker" and a "water wheelchair." They assisted me tremendously in maneuvering around the pool. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making a handicapped person's dream come true.Corrie MillerJim Thorpe