Crunch on budget
Dear Editor:
Mismanagement of the financial matters of the Borough of Nesquehoning and all the overtime for the police department due to having only three full time officers and two part time officers since the dismissal of an officer back in July, is a definite crunch on the budget. It appears this predicament was caused by four or five council members not having any foresight of the problem they would cause by dismissing the officer. Didn't they care about the burden it would put on the remaining officers or the borough budget?Is this an example of putting power over performing the duties they were elected for? What happened to the oath of office all council members swear to? Where is the fidelity they swore to?Another example of mismanagement of financial affairs, the Police Department Financial Policy which was adopted in July.Yes, all police officers deserve special recognition when they give his or her life in the line of duty!The policy states if the death is local or within a 50-mile radius, the department shall send two officers to the funeral in the Borough police vehicle then up to eight officers are authorized to attend a funeral of an officer in the "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" in uniform and with the use of police vehicles. Borough Council may authorize additional officers and/or police vehicles as the situation may warrant at the sole discretion of Borough Council. The officers will also receive full pay as well as the officers covering for those officers attending the funeral.It appears this policy has limitations or distance to travel. It could be Pittsburgh for all we know. That may mean an overnight stay, accident with its police vehicle or who knows what.So those council members who drew up this policy think they are a big city council? This is Nesquehoning Borough and with a limited tax base! Where do they think all the money is coming from? Is this ludicrous or what?Hopefully, the budget committee takes into consideration the current economic times and the tax base that exists in the borough.You can't fix arrogance or inconsiderate people, but you can vote them out!In November's election, vote for the most responsible and reliable candidates who will really work for the people of the Borough of Nesquehoning.Louis MeleNesquehoning