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Panther Valley column

VFW auxiliary meeting

The regular meeting of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary of Nesquehoning Memorial Post 8008 was held on Tuesday, Oct. 13. President Cathy Sommers presided.General Orders No. 3 were read and filed for action. Also received from District 20 were letters regarding membership and the payment of district dues and the Convention Fund. A letter of resignation was received from Trustee Beatrice Stianchie. An e-mail from Treasurer Santore was also received. Melissa Hascher was elected as trustee to fill the vacancy.Buddy Poppies will be available at the post or from auxiliary members for Veterans Day. Lansford will host the Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 8. Anne Paulakovich and Carol Malatak will contact Redners to set a date for the annual Memorial Day Poppy Weekend. A bloodmobile will be sponsored by the post on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Members reported sending 210 cards since the last report. Ellen Driesbach reported she made calls under legislation regarding the removal of crosses from the Mojave Desert Monument.Members are reminded that dues are now payable. The deadline for the Voice of Democracy Program is Nov. 1. A committee will meet to judge the entries.The district meeting at the post and auxiliary on Sept. 20 was very well attended. An audit committee meeting will be set up. The session is open to all members interested.A donation was made to the National Home Health and Happiness Fund and all district obligations were paid. President Sommers has tickets for December's District Lucky Lotto and for the Eastern Area Convention Committee in February. The next district meeting will be held on Nov. 15, and hosted by Mount Pocono.The annual Auxiliary Christmas party will be at Lengyels restaurant on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 6 p.m. Deadline for reservations is Dec. 1. Contact Hirochek at 669-9578.The next regular auxiliary meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the post home. District President Karen Bandzi will be present to inspect the auxiliary. All members attending are asked to bring a dessert item. Following the meeting, a social hour will be held.Special meetingThere will be a special meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial VFW Post 8008 on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 6:30 p.m.Nominations for the office of treasurer will be accepted at this meeting. President Cathy Sommers will preside at the session. All members are invited to attend.Veteran's day 5KThe Panther Valley Running and Fitness Club announce that the 11th annual Veteran's Day 5K Run/Walk will take place on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 10 a.m.Race headquarters will be the Summit Hill American Legion Post 316.For more information contact Joe Mogilski at (570) 645-2170 or get the race application online.Halloween partyThe annual childrens' Halloween party held at the Nesquehoning Recreation Center will take place on Saturday, Oct. 31 at 6 p.m. Children of Nesquehoning ages 10 and under are invited.To register, stop at the recreation center on a Wednesday during bingo from 5 to 10 p.m.CoaldaleAsh collectionThe Coaldale borough work force will be collecting ashes on Mondays starting at 7 a.m. on Nov. 2 and continuing until Monday, March 29.Ashes will be used on borough streets during the winter as anti-skid material. Cans should not weigh more than 50 pounds. Any cans containing garbage or debris will not be picked up. Residents are asked to place cans at the curb Sunday night for Monday pickup. The garbage collector will not pick up ash cans during this time.