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Rebecca Hamm named September's Girl of the Month

Rebecca Hamm, a senior at Northern Lehigh Area High School has been named Slatington Woman's Club Girl of the Month for September.

Rebecca is an active member of the Northern Lehigh High School music department, where she participates in Marching Band, Jazz Band, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Concert Choir, and Pit Orchestra.She is also a member of the Northern Lehigh German Club and recently travelled to Germany with the exchange program.Rebecca is a member of Senior Girl Scout troop #6343, a Girl Scout Program Aide. She received the Bronze Award through Girl Scouts. She is an active participant in Faith Alive United Methodist Church's Youth Group.Her future plans include attending a four-year college/university majoring in Early Childhood Education and Special Education or Psychology.Rebecca is the daughter of Michael and Dawn Hamm of Slatington and has a sister Tiffany and a brother Joshua. She is the granddaughter of Jayne and Lamar Hamm of Slatington and Aaron and Beth Sheckler of Palmerton.