Handling of plans mulled at Towamensing meeting
Discussion about the handling of plans by the Towamensing Township planning commission was continued on Oct. 15 with a review of who was to distribute copies to whom.
The township will provide the plans to planning commission members, the township engineer and the zoning office.The applicant is to provide them to the county and sewage enforcement officer.When a plan comes before the commission a representative must attend the meeting to explain portions of a plan that may be unclear.The distance between topographical lines was considered. It was decided that every 10 feet would be sufficient because the township has been giving waivers from the five-foot requirement. Supervisor Penny Kleintop suggested contacting engineer Ron Tirpak for input. She also said a change would require an amendment to the subdivision and land development ordinance.Roy Christman said vernal pools - ponds that are wet only in the spring - should be included with things such as swampy areas.He said major policy changes should be made at another time because the whole subdivision ordinance will have to be reviewed.All easements on a property should be shown along with the reason for the easement.If a section of land is being broken off, a general plan for the remainder that might be developed in the future should be provided according to the SALDO. The municipalities planning code already says an action cannot landlock another piece of property.Consequently, the section seemed to refer to phased developments where a sketch should be provided for later phases.Developers tend to ask for waviers for stormwater calculations on the basis that the size of the house to be built is unknown. The square foot of roofs along with paved areas are needed for the calculations as well as the normal runoff.The waiver request is to postpone doing stormwater calculations until a building permit is requested. Planners said an average size house should be considered and the calculations done instead of a waiver when the plan is completed.Christman said Tirpak should be asked for his opinion.Seifert said the township should not give so many waivers.The section on pedestrian circulating systems (sidewalks) was retained for larger developments. It is something else that is usually waived.Existing dwellings on all lots in a plan to split them into individual residences or businesses must meet all zoning requirements. Seifert said some sections will not apply to these improved lots because it came up previously in development such as guide rails or site triangles.Secretary Pat Snyder asked, "Wouldn't you want it easier when lots are improved?"There are differences between lot line adjustments and reverse subdivisions but that discussion topic was saved for a future meeting.