Published October 17. 2009 09:00AM
Dear Editor:
The Ruff Family would like to thank all the donors, volunteers, walkers, local nonprofits and others who helped to make the first annual Alzheimer's Family Fun Festival on Sat., Sept. 26, at the Mauch Chunk Lake Park a success.The event brought in over $5,000 for the Alzheimer's Association from donations from local businesses, Jim Thorpe walkers, a Chinese auction, bake sale and quilt drawing tickets. We hope these funds will help generate a cure for this emotionally devastating disease.We may not have known every one present or their individual experiences, but the loving bond we all shared united us in a way we know will make a difference.I personally feel confident the positive energies created will lead to a better world for those with Alzheimer's Disease and for the families, caregivers and loved ones who care for them. For example, my cousin Linda, a registered nurse from the Harrisburg area, e-mailed me the other day about Bapineuzemab, a drug in clinical trials that may have the power to STOP, not delay, the deterioration of brain function of the disease. I feel sure until a cure is discovered, drugs such as this will help to reduce some of the devastation and stigma associated with Alzheimer's.I can envision my father, Frank Ruff, with a goofy smile on his face, proud of the efforts that so many gave to support a cure for a disease that took his life well before he died.Again, we thank you all for your support and look forward to seeing you again in 2010.Kathy RuffThe Ruff