Published October 17. 2009 09:00AM
Dear Editor:
Pertaining to the article in the Times News on the debate of the Jim Thorpe borough candidates on October 3rd 2009.I was there as a voter to hear what the candidates individually had to say as to why they were running for mayor and council. I was impressed on how well it was run and the many questions they posed from the voters .I felt it was was a fair debate . The candidates were very well received and they themselves were very gracious to one another.After waiting a few days after the debate to read about theit in the paper, I felt that the Times News slighted the candidates and wasbiased in not expressing the well defined answers all the candidates gave to any question asked of them.If anything, the Times News omitted to print the introduction the candidates gave of themselves along with why they felt they were running for their position.The Times News had such a small article for such an important event for the voters as well as for the candidates.Surprisingly, only one candidate for the mayors race was quoted . Does this mean that only one candidate is running for mayor and thesecond candidate was not to get equal voice .Also, theother six candidates for council must have been invisible .They all deserved equal time.The Times News again falters on being fair to all the candidates, and asMr. McGuireindicated, thatperhaps Mr. Zagovsky wasdoing a friend a favorby omitting all the other candidates.Judy WilliamsJim Thorpe