Polk/Eldred boundary line still in question
George Basila, a GIS analyst with the Monroe County Planning Commission along with Christine Meinhart, senior planner with Monroe County's Planning Commission addressed the Eldred Township board of supervisors at the Oct. 7 meeting with findings of the ongoing research of where the actual Polk/Eldred Township boundary line is.
He had been asked by the Polk Township supervisors in March of 2008 to make that determination. With the help of surveyor Robert Beers, they have been researching ever since, going back to Northampton County records of almost over 200 years old and trying to locate pertinent township lines after Chestnuthill Township was bisected into Chestnuthill and Ross Township in 1816. Polk Township split from Chestnuthill Township in 1846 and then Eldred Township split from Ross Township in 1853.Apparently with each split, the lines demarking the boundary lines would be defined, sometimes agreeing, sometimes not. With such markers as an old chestnut oak tree to a pine tree to cement monuments, with definitions of what the measurements of a purchase, a rail and chains changing over the years, it appears the actual boundary line between Polk and Eldred is still in question.In a presentation to the Polk Township supervisors Basila said that they just cannot say where the boundary line is.With that said, Chairman Ilene Eckhart Supervisor Chairman Ilene Eckhart thanked him for all his research and then addressed the issue of the Vernon Frable minor subdivision.Frable submitted a minor subdivision plan to Eldred Township's Planning Commission on Aug. 6, 2007 to subdivide his property so his daughter Rhonda Gillen could build a home. Frable's home is located in Eldred Township but the property his daughter wanted to build her house on is in Polk Township. The plan had not been approved because it could not be determined if she should have submitted it to Eldred or Polk because of the boundary line question.Eckhart addressed Gillen and Frable, who also attended the meeting."It is the consensus of this board that we don't want to hold up your plans any longer than they already have. We think you should proceed through Eldred Township but we recommend that you go to your engineer and have him review all the performance standards according to our SALDOs. If the plan meets all our SALDOs and the property line is the only hold up, I'd suggest you go through Eldred. We can move it through our Planning Commission and then the Supervisors. We would then send a letter to the Monroe County Review Board stating that we acknowledge the house's taxes would be assessed in Polk Township. We think you waited long enough and it's time you should be able to move forward."In other township business:The supervisors approved several recommendations from the Planning Commission. The Carmine Coronato, Jr. lot joinder deed, the Thomas and Wanda Dowling sudvision extenions request unitl 1/9/2010, the Gower Estate subdivision extension request until 1/9/2010 and the Herman Borger Estate subdivision extension request until 1/9/2010.At the last supervisors' meeting on Sept. 16, the board opened three proposal bids for the Mock Property Master Site Plan (for a park). After reviewing them, the board awarded the job to Hanover Engineering Associates, Inc. of Bethlehem for $44,029.80, contingent upon approval from DCNR.Supervisor/secretary Sharon Solt said they wanted to recognized Fire Prevention Week and advised everyone to check their smoke detector batteries.Solt also said she attended a United States Census meeting and that they are looking for people to take the census. She said it will be offering to pay between $11-14 an hour. If interested, you can log on to 2010censusjob.com for more information.If anyone would like to donate toys to Toys for Tots, there is a container now at the Eldred Township municipal building where you can drop off your donations.The township is currently looking for someone to serve on the Planning Commission. If interested, please call the township office at 610-381-2442 or drop by during office hours.Township solicitor Michael Kaspszyk reported that he has not yet received a letter from St. Matthew's
U.C.C. in regards to deeding over a triangular piece of property to the township where the two roads of Church Road and Church Lane converge so it can be finalized and be recorded. Solt said she would write a letter to St. Matthew's making the request that they do so.Kaspszyk told the supervisors that Bruce Hawk lost his appeal to the Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas in regards to definition of a race track. In his second appeal he lost with the Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas affirming that Eldred Township did not violate Mr. Hawk's rights. He has 30 days to appeal it..