Published October 16. 2009 05:00PM
Tamaqua will hold its annual Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, Nov. 7 at 10 a.m.
The parade, which will take place along Broad Street (Route 209), will be held rain or shine.C.H. Berry Post 173 of the American Legion, Tamaqua, is organizing the parade this year.In past years, the parade was organized by Tamaqua's United Veterans Organization (UVO), which included the Legion and AMVETS post, but the latter has relocated to McAdoo, said Ed Smith, Commander of Legion Post 173.The Legion is hoping to beef up participation in the Veterans Day event, as well as drawing more spectators.''We just had a good crowd come out for the Tamaqua High School Homecoming Parade, and more people show up for the Halloween Parade than for the Veterans Day Parade,'' said Smith.''This year we would like to extend an invitation to all civic groups, school groups , community groups, church groups, scouts and police to join in the Veteran's Day Parade. They can march or ride.''We are looking for community support of our Veterans and the sacrifice they have made for us and our country. We are especially interested in people who have or had a family member serving in the force,'' said Smith.The Tamaqua Girl Scouts will be serving a free lunch afterwards to the Veterans as a way to express thank you.Smith said he has received confirmation that the Tamaqua Raider Marching Band will be participating in the parade.All inquiries and entries for the parade should call Ed Smith at (570) 778-3830. The deadline for entries is Nov. 2.