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County to cover extra charges on Normal Square traffic light

Mahoning Township supervisors learned from Carbon County Chairman William O'Gurek at last evening's meeting the expected overage of $50,000 in the costs of installing a traffic light at the Normal Square intersection would be covered by the county.

"Normally the municipality would be responsible for finding the money beyond what we could supply in block grants", said O'Gurek, "but we realize the importance of this light and in talking with Supervisor [John] Wieczorek about your financial situation, we reviewed what we had and were able to come up with the rest."O'Gurek explained initially that State Rep. Keith McCall was able to secure $20,000 toward the light from state funds. The Commissioners were able to provide a CDBG block grant of $85,000 also. When it was learned the light was $105,000 and after talking with supervisors, O'Gurek said they were able to reallocate leftover money from the Jamestown Road project which was a multi-year grant that had leftover funds to the tune of $30,000. "That left $20,000 to pay for the light and we have been able to come up with that remaining amount," said O'Gurek. "That light will be up and operating with no more expense [to install] to the township." The light is expected to be operational by the end of the year.Wieczorek pointed out that if Mahoning had been an entitlement community they would receive CDBG funding annually. O'Gurek agreed and said that the requirement is for a municipality to have over 4,000 residens. ''You were so close and only off by about 20 people," he said. "Those 20people have cost the township hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding over the past 10 years."O'Gurek stressed the residents need to respond seriously to the census that will be circulating. "I'm sure this township has more than the 4,000 needed at this point, but people have to take the census seriously. I strongly encourage everyone to fill out the survey."